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Business criminal law


The increasing criminalization of business exposes organizations and their managers to the risk of enforcement measures that require an appropriate legal response. We put our judicial DNA and criminal defense know-how into serving our clients.

Beyond now irrigating all sectors of business, criminal law enforcement is a powerful lever in economic warfare. Whether prosecuted by French or foreign authorities, or triggered by competitors or activists, criminal risk has become an essential parameter in any organization’s decision-making process.


With its experienced, multidisciplinary lawyers, our firm advises and defends companies and their legal representatives in all areas of white-collar crime: tax criminal law, corporate criminal law, stock market criminal law, offences against competition and consumer law, labor criminal law, compliance law, environmental criminal law, etc.


Thanks to our solid experience in criminal defense and the diversity of our practices, we are able to provide our clients with tailor-made, sector-specific defense, in line with their operational constraints.


Our team advises and assists companies and their legal representatives before the occurrence of any criminal risk (training of directors and key employees, drafting compliance programs, conducting audits, document review, drafting legal advices, drafting contractual provisions, conducting internal investigation, etc.) and after the initiation of criminal proceedings (preliminary investigation, judicial investigation, negotiating agreements with the public prosecutor’s office, defense before the criminal court, etc.).


We advise and defend our clients, whether they are victims or defendants in criminal proceedings.

Related distinctions 6


  • Conducting audits to prevent criminal risks (document review, assessment of criminal liability transfer, criminal qualifications, drafting contractual provisions, etc.)
  • Structuring report lines and powers of attorney between management, control and supervisory bodies, officers and operating divisions
  • Drafting programs and action plans to mitigate criminal risks (risk mapping, anticorruption program, gift policy, economic sanctions program)
  • Training directors, corporate officers and key employees (practical trainings, crisis units, preparing for police custody, preparing for a hearing, preparing for a search, business ethics awareness, training on the conduct of an internal investigation, etc.).


  • Assisting clients on steering internal investigations (scope, resources to be deployed, dedicated team, conducting interviews, etc.)
  • Cooperating with other partners (forensic or business intelligence firms)
  • Determining the outcome of the internal investigations (closure of the investigations, voluntary disclosure to the authorities, civil liability action, dismissal of legal representatives, contract termination, etc.)
  • Defining remediation measures
  • Interfacing with French/foreign authorities in case of parallel judicial proceedings
  • Determining the impacts on criminal liability of the facts identified in the course of the internal investigation
  • Determining the criminal status of facts identified during the internal investigation


  • Defending at each stage of the proceedings (preliminary investigation “enquête préliminaire”, judicial investigation “information judiciaire”, criminal court “tribunal correctionnel”)
  • Negotiating agreements with the public prosecutor’s office (deferred prosecution agreement “convention judiciaire d’intérêt public – CJIP”, guilty plea “comparution sur reconnaissance préalable de culpabilité – CRPC”)
  • Litigation relating to victim compensation
  • Processing of disputes arising from internal investigations (disciplinary sanctions, dismissals, contractual termination, etc.)
  • Interfacing with foreign lawyers in multi-jurisdictional cases and coordinating defense teams
  • Assisting with sentence enforcement



  • Option Droit et Affaires - 2024: Business criminal law and AMF penalties
  • Décideurs - 2024: Dispute resolution : Commercial litigation
  • Décideurs - 2024: Dispute resolution : White collar crime
  • Décideurs - 2019: Litigation & competition
  • Best Lawyers - 2020: Individual rankings
  • Décideurs - 2020: Litigation and Arbitration

The team

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News and publications



Best Lawyers 2021 : 16 of our referenced partners

This news flash is written in French : Bravo à nos associés qui sont référencés dans la nouvelle édition de Best Lawyers : Eric Barbry est référencé en « Information Technology Law » Jean-Christophe Beaury est référencé en « M&A » Sylvain Bergès est référencé en...
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Racine is once again listed in the "Lawyer rankings " published by the Point

Pour cette nouvelle édition, nos avocats sont classés dans les 17 catégories suivantes : Compliance, Droit Bancaire et boursier, Droit commercial des affaires et de la concurrence, Droit de l’arbitrage, Droit de la consommation, Droit de la propriété intellectuelle, Droit de la sécurité...
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Order of 25 March 2020 adapting the rules of penal procedure

This news flash is written in french. Pour pallier les difficultés engendrées par le confinement ordonné dans le cadre l’état d’urgence sanitaire, le Gouvernement a été habilité[1] à prendre par voie d’ordonnances de nombreuses mesures, ce qu’il a notamment fait en adoptant le 25...
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